Friday, December 17, 2010

Improved play by Girls team

In the second match against New Zealand, the South African Girls showed more composure against their physical opponents, but still went down 4-8.
One goal per quarter was scored by the tourists - by Nicola Barrett, Megan Parkes, Kylie Traub and Amica Hallendorff - while the New Zealanders scored 4, 2, 0 and 2 per quarter.

At the same time, the Boys team was treated to a 'barby' near the beach, which was attended by both the Kiwi teams and the visiting Aussies. A rainstorm put a damper on the event, however, despite a big spread put on by the hosts' parents. Nick Hock made a good speech to thank them for their generosity.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in girls, sure victory is on its way. Rooting for youbig time in CT!!!
